Monday, 2 June 2008

Lady Luck's Anal Rapeage

Man, what a weekend.

Saturday - Play atrociously in the tenner rebuy, get one big piece of luck, no difficult decisions, chop heads up for £800.

Sunday - Play well in the £150 freezeout and perfectly in cash. Get all-in bad twice in 10 hours - neither occasion avoidable. Net result - probably £1200 less than deserved.

Tournament :

I raise with AJ, KQ reshoves, I call, flop JT9

8 left, a chop is pretty imminent, BB misses a chance to knock out the short stack on the button after I flat call his shove from the SB. As a result am forced to shove from the button with A6, and BB calls for a large percentage of his chips with K9. I need chips to be a factor in any deal-making, so this pisses me off when they chop 7 way about 5 minutes later. I take £310 for 8th. The rest take £885 minimum.

Then cash (50p/50p):

AK v 66 all-in pre after my limp re-raise, the pair falls to the only person on the table who would be able to get all my chips. £150 coinflip.

Miss nut flush on flop and additional nut gutshot draw from turn. Potential £80 pot.

Raise with 65 to £2, called by blinds, flop 753. SB bets £4. I call, turn 4. SB bets £10, I raise to £25. SB calls, river 6. SB has Q7 and hits his 3 outer to split, or I take a £140 pot.

UTG Mr Willis tilt straddles to £10, Chris reraises to £40 with AK, I shove in £130 with KK. UTG calls dark. Board Q654T, UTG has 73 in a £190 pot.

3rd last hand, I straddle to £2, Willis straddles to £10, folded around to my ATs, I announce raise and am met with an all-in before I can announce the amount. I call and am smashed up by Q9 on a K7658 board for a £150 pot.

That's a potential £1500+ swing. Not amused.

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