Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Lady Luck Anal

I've just discovered the statistics area of Blogger - apparently the search term 'Lady Luck Anal' has resulted in five views, more than any other search phrase. This blog is also popular in both Russia and Iran. Hmmmmm.

Not sure if I really want to go back through my post history to work out where I've been mentioning these words in the same sentence, though I suspect the words 'rape' and 'me' probably feature in this sentence also. No doubt posted immediately after a period of immense poker frustration.

And just poker frustration, no other type of 'frustration' thank you very much, before any of my smart-ass friends think about making some clever comments.

So basically, now I've blogged about this again - I'll get a load more page views. Cunning plan eh?

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