Not much of a week 3 update thanks to Her Majesty celebrating 60 years of travelling the world and eating posh dinners. Gym is closed bank holidays, so holding off the stats update until my next BioSignature next Monday. Despite this I'm still fitting in three sessions this week. Upper body session was today, continuing with the Gironda protocol, this week with just 15 seconds rest between each set. Felt really weak today, and no motivation made for a thoroughly unpleasant session.
Ah well, four sessions to go until Vegas.
On a brighter note, I did get my first comment of 'Are you losing weight?' on Thursday. Well no, but I am losing fat. So much so that I could get into some 36" waist jeans for the first time in quite a while over the weekend with only slight muffin-topping.
Nutrition-wise I'm now aiming to eat every 3 hours to keep my body in the anabolic zone which builds muscle and loses fat. Each meal must include 200g of animal meat I've cooked myself. After a dodgy start to this last week I'm beginning to get the hang of it. I've taken up the BCAA option in addition to cover the awkward times in casinos - not that popping ten capsules one after the other in a public place is not awkward. Just as well I'm not the type to give a shit.
Poker sucks though. Final tabled the £50 freeze at the Grosvenor on Thursday for the second time running. Only to lose with 22 v 33 on a 88243 a raised pot...with action on every street. Sigh, at least the important one went well - and I haven't been able to say that for a long time.
Friday's cash session did throw up an interesting hand. The most productive thing I've done this week is spend 2-3 hours analysing this.
Background: £1/£1 live cash game at Southampton Grosvenor. Both Hero/Villain playing ~£180
Villain: Young LAG. Thinks I'm uber LAG. Both know the other is capable of making moves. Villain is tilting after butchering two hands, one against a nit and another against American Golfer Tourettes Man (the most annoying player at the table). First involved him 3-bet folding 60% of his stack with KK on a Q85 two heart board vs the nit, the second involved him calling a check-raise and two further barrels including a river shove on a AT858 board with what I presume to be a big Ace.
Hero: I've doubled up playing pretty loose with a small stack, and playing one hand rather weirdly as far as the table was concerned (TPTK actually backdoored the nuts).
Folded to me on the button and I raise to £3 with J
Villain calls from the SB.
Flop (£7) K
Check, check.
Turn (£7) 7
Villain bets £5
Hero raises to £15
Villain raises to £55
Villain has approximately £125 back. Seemed like a reasonably simple spot, pretty much everyone I know and respect agreed with my line, but the EV calcs I did made it seem a lot closer than normal. Key is what range he puts me on, and therefore what range he can subsequently 3-bet with. EV calcs are based on a set of assumptions, and I simply don't know whether they are right or wrong.
Results below:
Hero calls £55
River (£117) 3
Villain shoves £125
Hero calls £125
Villain shows Q
and wins £367 with Flush: Queen High.
Movies Watched: Marvel: Avengers Assemble - Of all the characters involved, I've only seen Captain America, so I didn't really know what was going on. It was pretty impressive though, I like action movies. Bright lights and loud noises are more than enough to keep me entertained.
Movies Watched: Marvel: Avengers Assemble - Of all the characters involved, I've only seen Captain America, so I didn't really know what was going on. It was pretty impressive though, I like action movies. Bright lights and loud noises are more than enough to keep me entertained.
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[url=]NiAXLMNGwsgW[/url] , uhRTh ,
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